Davno,dok sam jos bila mala slusala sam price da najljepse djevojke poticu iz Banja luke,da najljepse ustanove nalazite u ovom gradu.Uvjerite se i sami da li je to bas tako !Once upon a time, when I was a little girl I used to listen the stories that the most beautiful girls and the most beautiful institutions are in this town. See for yourself if this is really the truth!
Klinički centar Banja Luka je najveća i najznačajnija javna zdravstvena ustanova u Republici Srpskoj. U Kliničkom centru Banja Luka zapošljeno je oko 2.500 zdravstvenih radnika, od toga oko 560 ljekara, stomatologa i farmaceuta, a među njima oko 350 specijalista raznih struka. Osnovna djelatnost Kliničkog centra je hospitalno liječenje (prijem, dijagnostika i zbrinjavanje) pacijenata na nivou sekundarne i tercijarne zdravstvene zaštite.Clinical centre of Banja Luka is the biggest and the most important public health institution in Republic of Srpska. Clinical centre of Banka Luka employees around 2.500 health care employees, out of which around 560 are doctors, dentists andpharmaceutical and around 350 are various specialists. Core activity of Clinical centre is hospital treatment (admission, diagnosis and treatment) of patients at the level of secondary and tertiary health care. Clinical centre of Banja Luka..
.Detalj kako stediti na potezacu vodokotlica,detalj WC-klinicki centar Banja Luka.
Detail: how to save on toilet cistern, detail: WC – clinical centre of Banja Luka
Molim Vas lijepo zapitajmo se : Tko se i kako lijeci u ovim zgradama.?Kome sluzi ova zgrada i za koju namjenu je izgradjena.
Tko se skriva u ovim zidinama .Djeca su me pitala da li ovdje zive babe roge i da li one sada vire na nas.?
Mozda je to istina.!Please ask yourself : Who is and how is being treated in these buildings? To whom this building is serving and for which purpose it has been built? Who is hiding in these walls? The children asked me if witches live here and if they are looking at us?
Perhaps this is the truth!
Snimljeno 19.01.2013.god.u 8 i 30h
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